The First Crabs of the Season

CrabsToday was one of my absolute favorite days of the entire year - the day when I get to crack that first steamed hard crab of the year! Woo-hoo is all I have to say. Nothing elegant about it. This is just plain, messy, buttery, spicy, culinary deliciousness (is that even a word? I'm not sure, but don't even care - it best describes the first crabs of the year!) Don't get me wrong - they're still great all through the summer. But there's just something about that first steam pot after a very long and very cold winter without them. It's a reminder of family gatherings around the newspaper covered table, plenty of old beer (and brownies - you always have to have something sweet after the crabs) and catching up with loved ones.

As fancy as some of my cheffy food can get, there is no substitution for this classic Southern Maryland favorite. Hands down - winner, winner, steamed crab dinner! My advice to you - Memorial Day is next weekend and if you can, you get a bushel, invite the family over and reconnect, Southern Maryland style!