No Thyme to Cook Launches Junior Chef Series

Kids Camp pasta  

No Thyme to Cook, Southern Maryland's premiere cooking studio, now offers monthly Junior Chef cooking classes specially designed for children ages 9-13. Covering such topics as Fair Food, Burgers, The Great Pumpkin & the Best Ever Christmas cookies, there’s something on the menu to please every palate.

“Kids love being in the kitchen creating and cooking,” No Thyme to Cook’s chef and owner Gwyn Novak explains. “We had so much fun during this year’s summer cooking camp that we decided to create an entire series devoted to kids and their passion for cooking. They bring an infectious energy to the kitchen.”  

Classes are typically held on Monday evenings from 6-8 p.m. in No Thyme to Cook’s Prince Frederick kitchen. No cooking experience is necessary to take part. Classes are just $45/junior chef. However, if you register for two or more classes, you can take $10 off the cost of each class. And the best part is, they get to enjoy all of the fruits of their labor. So parents don’t have to cook dinner that night.

For the full schedule of classes and to register, go to

Cooking Birthday Parties

In addition to the monthly Junior Chef classes, No Thyme to Cook also offers cooking birthday parties for kids. This year, why not skip the superhero and princess themes? Come party with us instead!

You pick from one of our many themes (Mexican Fiesta, Breakfast/Brunch, Chopped Chef Challenge, Tea Party or Mangia, Mangia), and No Thyme to Cook provides all of the ingredients and materials – you supply the kitchen and hungry guests. All parties include a customized menu, cooking-themed party favors, birthday cupcakes to decorate, paper plates, napkins, utensils, cups, beverages, personalized apron, as well as all of the set-up and clean-up, not to mention - cooking fun and instruction with a chef.  Every child leaves with homemade goodies, a keepsake apron, and a taste for cooking that will hopefully leave them hungry for more. The two hour party is recommended for children ages 6 and up.